Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm a Human and I'm Not Going to Tell You Again!! Damn it.

I don't want to have to explain to other people that I'm a human. I have feelings, even though they may be silly, dumb, outrageous, ingenious, ridiculous, crazy, jealous, happy, insecure, neurotic, obsessive...Need I go on?? My favorite thing is when someone doesn't understand your feeling and so you get the eye roll, I mean, who would think a human being would posses all these feelings??? "How dare you tell me about your feeling, what are you.....a....a...human...ewe, how weird." Then the whispering starts, "did you see her...the one with two eyes and 2 ears, I think she is one of those humans with those feelings"!  

If I feel any one of the above feelings, its because I'm a human being and suffer from human being defectiveness. Its ok for me to have occasional silly, dumb, outrageous, ingenious, ridiculous, crazy, jealous, happy, insecure, neurotic, obsessive feelings! Happy feelings are most prevalent and for that I am grateful, even though some other human beings are not ok with you being happy all the time either.....so let me remind you I'm a Human and I'm Not Going to Tell You Again!! Damn it. 

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